ocr: FOUR SEASONS/RITZ CARLTON WAN Four 60w workstations with Ritz Seasons HP Novel DOS70 486, with MPR Cariton 9000 and Windows 3.1 and WANCard Llline Prosignia Compag HP LM560 ULI H aod 486 wilh WANCOrd MPR Billl 3Com 3Com 2 Linkbuider hub Linkbuilder hub aI E 3Com Intei Sotislaxtion Nel cc:Mail Linsbuilder hub fax server rauler IntelNet Salistaxtion fax seiver: 724 workstationswith Remole Noveli DOS7.0 control PCS Remote control PCS and Windows 3.1 FIGURE 1: The Ritz-Carlton ond the Four Seasons use a dedicated T-1 line for fast communiconon belween hotels. The WAN enables users or either hotel ...